New Paragraph

Children's Liturgy of the Word

Children’s Liturgy of the Word gathers young children, ages 4 to 10, for an age-appropriate experience of sacred scripture.  CLOW is offered during the Sunday 9:00 Mass on most weekends all year long.  We sing and hear God’s word in a joyful environment for children.

Children are dismissed after the opening prayer and gather in the church basement to hear the readings and reflect on the Gospel. After a profession of faith and intercessions, children return to Mass during the offering. 

It’s easy to participate! The presiding priest will welcome the catechist and children to the front of the church, bless them, and send them on their way.  If your child would like to participate, have them join the catechist at the front of the church. 

This ministry exists because of the willing hearts of volunteers. We have two specific needs.

  1. Catechists - lead the worship time. An outline of the worship time is provided to 

                               the catechists.

   2.  Shepherds - provide supervision and extra helping hands.  This is a great       

                                 volunteer opportunity for our middle school and junior high students. 

Please join us!  This volunteer experience is minimal in commitment but high in reward.  Sign up for the weeks that work best for you.  To sign up, call Diana Parker at 636-937-5513 or email her at

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